If you have been hit by a drunk request a consultation today


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Mission Statement

As former police officers, we have seen the toll drunk driving accidents have on people.  According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2015, there were 10,265 alcohol related deaths on the roadways in the United States. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration goes on to say that some officers are not skilled enough to properly detect drunk drivers.  That is why for more than a decade we have been providing law enforcement officers with advanced training on dwi topics.  We have also donated equipment and time to assist law enforcement to make our roads safer.  Realistically, however, we know that this training and equipment is only part of the solution,  We have made it our mission to make those that cause injury to others accountable through our civil courts.  We found that few people understand the complexities of litigation involving alcohol or drug impairment. We knew that with our backgrounds and training we could have a positive impact on those who have suffered after being hit by a drunk driver.


At CCR Law Firm, we believe our training and experience, in and out of the courtroom, can force others to be accountable for the injuries they caused.


We begin at the intake.  Our staff will gather information from you about the accident and the harm that was caused when you or a loved one was hit by a drunk driver.  Our attorneys will then form a plan of action based on your circumstances. This is the moment when you first recognize you will not be in this alone.  When it’s serious we are here to help.


After our staff has gathered all the information from you, we will begin an investigation.  Frequently this involves getting an accident reconstruction expert involved.  Our police backgrounds allow us to quickly determine the level of expertise we may need.  This saves you on expenses and also prevents physical evidence from degrading to the point that it may not be recoverable. We will also begin gathering information to determine if others are culpable (bars serving alcohol to an obviously intoxicated person).


Our attorneys have handled alcohol and drug impairment cases through every stage of litigation.  We  have, at national level, trained others on the science, trial strategy, and law related to alcohol and drug related cases.  Our lawyers know that you can’t win the fight unless you step into the ring.  We will fight for you to make sure there is some accountability for what has happened.